Regenerative Medicine

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Gilbert and Arizona

Growth is a virtue to which we all aspire. Everyone wants to get stronger, smarter, and more successful as we grow. However, the aging process often has the opposite trajectory. Bones, muscle mass, and brain functions tend to suffer as the years accumulate.

But Regenerative Therapy can reverse the tide of time.

Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cells) is the branch of research that focuses on healing the human body from within. While trillions of dollars pass hands every year developing pharmaceutical solutions for every ache, pain, and ailment, the answer may be right under our proverbial nose. The cells and tissues in our bodies form a factory of regeneration and replenishment. By harnessing the power of our physiology, Wellness 1st is revolutionizing the healthcare industry. Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cells) may be able to help.

Conveniently located in Gilbert, Arizona, Wellness 1st proudly serves the surrounding communities of Mesa, Chandler, Casa Grande, Peoria, Goodyear, Sun City, Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, and beyond. To learn how Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cells) can benefit you, please contact us at your earliest convenience.

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What is Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cells)?

A breakdown of connective tissue is common among many patients experiencing joint pain and mobility issues. Often, this breakdown in connective tissue is addressed with opiates or steroids to ease the patient’s discomfort.

When we experience pain, our body is sending us a message that something is wrong. Pain is merely a symptom of an underlying condition or injury. Using steroids or opiates alone to address pain caused by injury is akin to putting a picture over a hole in the wall instead of repairing the hole.

With connective tissue supplementation, you have an opportunity to address the problem at its source by inserting new, viable connective tissue ECM directly to the site of the breakdown, or defect (via syringe). The patient’s body can use the collagenic superstructure from the newly transplanted Wharton’s jelly as building blocks to fill voids or defects in cartilage beds or other soft tissues.

Effectively, you can identify & address the root cause instead of treating symptoms, giving your patients a shot at long-term improvement in their quality of life.

Perinatal Regenerative Therapy

When a woman is pregnant with her developing bundle of joy, that bundle is cradled in an amniotic sac and connected through the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord and the sac are rich with regenerative cells that are designed to evolve into a wide array of specialized structures. When a new healthy mother gives birth via cesarean section, she has the option to donate her umbilical cord to patients in need. This material is rigorously screened for impurities and infections. The testing process covers every stage of the perinatal Regenerative Therapy collection process. This ensures the use of healthy, viable cells to facilitate the most effective regenerative procedures.

Wharton’s Jelly

The umbilical cord delivers vital sustenance between an expectant mother and her developing fetus. It is also a rich source of Growth Factors, Scaffolding Protines, and Native Cell Populations. Wharton’s jelly is a gelatinous material that provides cushioning and structural support to the umbilical cord. The potential found in Wharton’s jelly is remarkably variable.

Adult Regenerative Therapy

While perinatal material is a goldmine of possibilities and potential, adults also produce regenerative cells.. These are dispersed throughout the human body, making them difficult to identify and collect. For example, bone marrow is sometimes rich with adult regenerative cells (Stem Cells). However, only about 1 out of every 10,000 to 15,000 bone marrow cells are hematopoietic (bloodforming) regenerative cells.[2]

Regenerative cells harvested and Wharton’s jelly are vastly different than adult regenerative cells. In addition, adult regenerative cells are also less adaptive. The beauty of perinatal regenerative cells is their ability to replicate and/or become a variety of specialized cells. In other words, young regenerative cells can either duplicate and produce more regenerative cells or evolve into specialized cells. In adults, however, regenerative cells are more likely to be progenitors. This means that they can still replicate, but they are already geared towards a particular specialty. For instance, a progenitor cell can either multiply into an identical progenitor cell or develop into its specialized state, like a red blood cell for example. Progenitor cells are already evolving in a certain direction. Perinatal cells, however, are more like blank slates. They can essentially become any kind of specialized cell.

Benefits Of Regenerative Therapy

Just as Regenerative Therapy represents a rainbow of differentiation, they also offer a wellspring of potential benefits. The science of Regenerative Therapy is still relatively young, but it is already yielding promising results. Perhaps the most prevalent application of Regenerative Therapy has been in the field of joint repair. If your ligaments and cartilage are failing to heal after years of wear and tear, then you may benefit from an allograft of Whortons Jelly.

As they integrate with the targeted joint tissue, Regenerative Therapy can replicate and replace damaged cells.

Candidates for Regenerative Therapy

Individuals struggling with arthritis, joint pain, injuries, and other related conditions may be eligible for Regenerative Therapy. Wellness 1st and its attentive medical team can determine your candidacy for regenerative treatment during a comprehensive consultation.

Personal Consultation in Arizona

The science of wellness evolves every day. New breakthroughs reshape our thinking with every discovery. We document many of these revelations in our blog and we invite you to learn from our research by reading along.

Dr. Rooh appreciates the opportunity to communicate directly to his Arizona neighbors with each post. Feel free to communicate back! Please call 480-304-5152 to schedule an individualized consultation at our Gilbert location.

During your initial appointment at Wellness 1st, we will assess your medical history, xrays and perform a few simple tests as necessary. These will help us determine your body’s viability to provide enough care to address your medical needs. If you are a good candidate we can gently draw bone marrow from your body or provide you with other sources of Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cells). Choices and options will be given to you at the consultation and you will choose which route would be best for you.

Preparation and Procedure

Next, the Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cells) from your sample is isolated for optimal usage. The concentrated material is then injected into the target area/s for wellness purposes.

If your marrow does not contain sufficient material to repair your damaged tissue, then perinatal tissue or Whortans Jelly may be required.


Regenerative Therapy is minimally invasive. It does not entail surgery; just a simple series of injections into the area that needs assistance. For this reason, you may be able to resume your normal routine immediately following the procedure. Please follow our medical team’s advice and please do not exert yourself. Give it the opportunity to work it’s magic without irritating the injection site or further aggravating the affected joint(s).


Due to the variability of Regenerative Therapy options, their healing power is virtually limitless. Once they are injected into a damaged joint, for example, they may evolve into a number of permutations.

  • Some Regenerative Therapy may develop into cartilage (chondrocyte) cells. These bind with existing tissues to regenerate and tighten joint or cellular functions and heal accordingly.
  • Regenerative Therapy can also confront the forces of inflammation, decreasing the symptoms of arthritis that bother patients most.
  • Regenerative Therapy can also promote the release of a protein called cytokine.
  • Cytokines mitigate pain and slow the deterioration of cartilage.

Since Regenerative Therapy ignites the body’s own abilities to heal and regenerate, the results are long-lasting and liberating!


What does Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cells) cost in Arizona?

Each procedure is tailored to the unique physiology of the patient. Your treatment will be priced according to the extent of your needs and the resources required. Please contact Wellness 1st for a consultation to discuss your healthcare situation. Together, we can determine the best strategy for you at the right cost.

Is Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cells) safe?

Yes, indeed! Regenerative Therapy harnesses the healing power of the human body, so they are safer than synthetics and animal products. Why inject foreign chemicals and compounds into your system when you have access to the full array of biological benefits that medical science has divined? Call 480-304-5152 to schedule a consultation to answer this question and so many more!


  1. Murphy, J.M.,  Fink, D.J., Hunziker, E.B.,  Barry, F.P. (2003). Stem cell therapy in a caprine model of osteoarthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatology. 48(12)3464-3474.
  2. Weissman, I.L. (2000). Stem cells: units of development, units of regeneration, and units in evolution. Cell. 100,157–168. DOI:10.1016/s0092-8674(00)81692-x
  3. Lindvall, O., Kokaia, Z. & Martinez-Serrano, A. (2004). Stem cell therapy for human neurodegenerative disorders–how to make it work. Nature Medicine.10, S42–S50.